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Leading musicians, including Elton John and Radiohead’s Colin Greenwood, have added their voices to the widespread criticism of the Brexit deal for British musicians. Ben Beaumont-Thomas argues the case for re-opening negotiations.

Elton John has said that the UK’s Brexit negotiators “screwed up” a deal for British musicians and the broader music industry, and is calling for the government to re-enter negotiations.

Writing in the Guardian, John said: “Either the Brexit negotiators didn’t care about musicians, or didn’t think about them, or weren’t sufficiently prepared. They screwed up. It’s ultimately down to the British government to sort it out: they need to go back and renegotiate.

“The situation we’re currently in is ridiculous. Music is one of Britain’s greatest cultural exports. It’s a £5.8bn industry that got left out of the Brexit trade negotiations when others weren’t.”

His remarks come as pressure increases on the government to negotiate visa-free working arrangements for performers and... Keep reading on The Guardian.