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For an artwork to have copyright it needs to be original. This leads Juyoun Han to ask who is the creative author of AI-generated work?

News about Beethoven’s unfinished Tenth Symphony being written by a computer; the debut of the robot-composer who writes in the style of Bach; and the computerized protégé of the Master of Light and Shadow “New Rembrandt.” The artificial intelligence revolution has entered the sphere of art and music, a creative domain. In 2018, when the AI-generated portrait Edmond de Belamy, from La Famille de Belamy (Belamy Portrait) sold for $432,500, it attracted significant attention from the art community. Critics of this new art form take issue with the lack of creative capability in the technology, deeming it to be “cognitively inferior to a newborn child.”

Developers of the Belamy Portrait have created AI-art generation algorithms using Generative Adversarial Network framework in machine learning. Essentially, human operators would feed a collection of human-created art to the machine, from which it “learns” the creative process. In turn, the machine generates artwork using... Keep reading on Americans for the Arts.

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AI Generated Art: Copyright Critique (Americans for the Arts)