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Palestine’s Jenin refugee camp, home to the Freedom Theatre, is under attack from Israel, writes Zoe Lafferty, but the theatre keeps on working.

Across Palestine, Israel has increased its targeting of children, women and men, and as is often the case, Jenin Refugee Camp is disproportionately affected. The Israeli army is once again invading, jeeps are occupying the narrow streets, and just like last year, the month of Ramadan has become an anxious and bloody time.

Jenin city has been placed under siege, and Palestinians are navigating another layer to the labyrinth of walls, checkpoints, and borders that constantly restrict and control the population.

There are cries from Israel that this is justified, that it is retaliation for an increase in attacks that have recently taken place. But pointing the finger whilst enacting collective punishment - illegal under international law - is an age-old Israeli tactic, as is ignoring the role that decades of violent land grabs, military occupation and apartheid play in these attacks...Keep reading on The New Arab.

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Art at a time of siege (The New Arab)