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The Culture, Health & Wellbeing Alliance celebrates some of the best new cultural initiatives in its Black History Month blog. 

This October, we’re highlighting a few activities led by our members and regional champions for Black History Month. You can also watch our conversation with Dr Errol Francis about his work across mental health, culture and research at the bottom of this page.

Key Changes – the world's first music label for musicians with mental health lived experience – marks Black History Month every year with parties or concerts in most of the hospitals they work in. This year Key Changes is also holding a Community Open Mic event at Pop Brixton on 28 October. Everyone is welcome from 2.30pm onwards, and can sign up to perform an acapella/acoustic song, readings, spoken word poetry etc. “People wanting to perform might like to drop us a line at artist@keychanges.org.uk a few days before so that we can meet any audio tech needs.”

London Arts and Health (LAH) is running a Black History Month commission for a greater London-based Black, Asian or ethnically diverse artist, practitioner, clinical member of staff across any health practice, or organisation to take over its social media channels and website for October... Keep reading on the Culture Health and Wellbeing Alliance.

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Black History Month 2022  (Culture Health & Wellbeing Alliance )