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Cost-of-living concerns, inflationary costs and post-pandemic recovery are all piling pressure on Australian arts organisations, says Nick Galvin.

Arts companies rebuilding after the pandemic are now being hit by major cost of living concerns as audience members stay away because of financial pressures brought on by inflation and rising interest rates, according to a new national survey.

The latest Patternmakers/WolfBrown quarterly survey, based on a sample of more than 5000 people, paints a mixed picture for the sector, with money worries cited as the number one reason for not attending performances, outstripping concerns over risk from COVID-19.

“Financial reasons” were cited as a barrier to attending performances by 40 per cent of audience members questioned, up from 24 per cent in August.

“Cost of living is ridiculous, and I just can’t budget any more to go to everything I used to attend,” one audience member reportedly said... Keep reading on The Sydney Morning Herald.