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Artistic Director of Brighton People's Theatre Naomi Alexander says artists leading co-creative practice are rarely valued. Her research explores artists' leadership qualities, skills and responsibilities.

Implicit within the upbeat vernacular of the Arts Council’s new 10-year strategy, Let’s Create, is an assumption that co-creation is a joyful process, and that we know how to do it. But is this the reality?

When co-creation takes place between professional artists and non-professional artists there are a myriad of tensions and power imbalances at play. So my research set out to explore how people involved navigate these tensions and power imbalances in order to co-create and asks how does leadership work in this context?

There has been a resurgence of interest in co-creation in the arts in recent years...But there is a lack of evidence-based research into leadership practice in co-creation that is striving for greater cultural democracy. I hope my research helps fill that gap...Keep reading on NaomiAlexander.com.

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