The arts in a backpack

Photo of a blue backpack
23 Apr 2019

An Action for Children’s Arts study recommends that every child at primary school should have five quality arts experiences in the school year. Chris Jarvis explains how the Arts Backpack project is working to make this a reality.

Financing future communities

Photo of a grand piano as a garden feature, covered in plants.
18 Apr 2019

The Conservatoire in Blackheath recently arranged a finance plan with Triodos Bank to fund its future activities. Phillip Bate explains how the bank’s ethos and belief in the cultural sector made it happen.

An artificial artist

04 Apr 2019

Aidan Meller introduces Ai-Da, a sketching robot who is both an artist and a work of art.

Bringing libraries to life

Photo of a young man playing a keyboard
28 Mar 2019

Libraries will always be about books and information, but in Manchester they’re also a place for local communities to enjoy live gigs and other arts events. Zoe Williams explains how the transformation has taken place.

Getting people talking

Photo of Tom Pow staring face to face with a sculpture which is wearing headphones
28 Mar 2019

Are we losing the art of conversation? Tom Pow explains how a project in Scotland is using the arts to stimulate communication.

Making community arts work

Portrait – people and places of the First Art area by David Severn and Kajal Nisha Patel
21 Mar 2019

What makes socially engaged and participatory arts projects successful? Elizabeth Lynch and Miriam Nelken talked to artists, commissioners and participants to find out.

Public art by popular demand

Photo of public art project outside London Bridge Station - painted bollards
21 Mar 2019

A recent survey found that four in five Londoners would contribute at least £2 towards public art in their local area. Marine Tanguy and Vishal Kumar explore the potential role of citizens in new commissions.

Playing for high stakes

Photo of woman and child playing Minecraft
14 Mar 2019

Aenne Lotze and Francesca Cross explain how a recent project harnessed young people's passion for online gaming to develop their real-world skills and relationships.

New ways to tell stories

Photo of a silhouette of a person wearing diving ear in front of a digital projection of the ocean
14 Mar 2019

A key barrier to growth in the immersive technology industry is a lack of content. It’s a gap tailor-made for the cultural sector to step into, says Tonya Nelson.

Breaking new ground

An image of two overlaping pixelated sun-like objects, on the horizon, with root-like pixelations in the foreground
14 Mar 2019

Drew Hemment and Feimatta Conteh explain how a data-driven artwork encourages crucial public engagement with an environmental observatory.

Listening to children on climate change

Photo of Cap-a-Pie cast member working with a group of young school children
07 Mar 2019

What does climate change mean to the generation it will impact most? Brad McCormick explains how primary schoolchildren have been working with climate scientists to develop their own play.

Working with real people

Photo of a group of skateboarders
28 Feb 2019

Opening up decision-making about what art gets made and by whom doesn't lead to people 'playing it safe', but to programmes that engage more people, more deeply. Tamsin Curror examines the evidence.

An unexpected gift

Photo of four people helping pack mailouts
28 Feb 2019

A welcome surprise of five-year funding provided the opportunity for Cardiff's Sherman Theatre to diversify its audiences, boost volunteering and develop a relationship with a time credit network. Julia Barry tells the story.

A breath of fresh air

Photo of three woman skimming stones on a beach
21 Feb 2019

The port town of Felixstowe proved an ideal setting for exploring less cerebral ways of engaging with contemporary art, writes Natalie Pace.

The talk of the town

Photo of two actors discussing an audience member's question via laptop
07 Feb 2019

When Ron Evans started thinking about how to make post-show talks more appealing and accessible, he found audiences hungry for new ways of engaging with the arts.

Taking art out of the box

Photo of The Japan Pavilion at the Biennale di Venezia
31 Jan 2019

Biennials have emerged as a key influence in contemporary exhibition-making. Shwetal Patel and Sunil Manghani explain how a more informal approach to art opens up new experiences and audiences.

Turning engagement patterns upside down

Photo of a man and woman in ballet dress addressing a family on the street
17 Jan 2019

How can arts and culture reach a broader audience that more accurately reflects local communities? Sarah Boiling explores how to change the pattern of who engages with the arts.

How to... develop a CRM strategy

Photo of Shakespeare's Globe Theatre
03 Jan 2019

How can arts organisations develop the best possible strategy for their customer relationship management and ticketing systems? Helen Dunnett suggests some steps to make the task easier.

Letting youth lead the way

Photo of a group of children colouring
03 Jan 2019

National Trust venues are engaging with new audiences by empowering young people to run events with local communities, says Hattie Clayton.

Liverpool stands by ‘insulting’ logo design competition

A crowd of people and tall ships at a dock
20 Dec 2018

The city region authority is offering a prize of £800 for a “simple but visually impactful” design to be used across print and online promotional materials for the £200k a year initiative.


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