Also this week...

A woman surrounded by blocks of ice
14 Dec 2018

As Tate Modern's latest art installation starts to melt away, AP's Jonathan Knott reflects on how art can play a role in tackling environmental challenges.

Capturing the essence

An anotomical drawing representing the failure of a project
22 Nov 2018

When invited to carry out a creative evaluation of the first three years of Creative People and Places, Sarah Butler decided that the best approach was to have fun.

Engaging audiences on tour

Actors collecting coins off the floor during a production
22 Nov 2018

While touring three productions around the UK, Unlimited Theatre developed a model for working with venues to engage local audiences. Tessa Gordziejko explains the role of the local engagement practitioner.

Review highlights evidence of class bias in arts funding

The outside of London's National Theatre at night
16 Nov 2018

The tendency for people from higher social grades to be more likely to attend arts events is down to a mismatch between current funding priorities and the public’s taste, rather than any lack of demand, an evidence review suggests.

Fighting for customer attention

Photo of a group of people looking at their phones
15 Nov 2018

Just providing entertainment is no longer enough to draw in audiences. But by focusing on what people value, arts organisations can maintain strong relationships with customers amid competing demands for their attention, writes Dave Wakeman.

A different kind of dialogue

Cartoon showing large picture in  gallery and two men
18 Oct 2018

Approaches to assessing cultural value are stuck in a financially reductionist ‘value = money’ orbit. We should be examining people’s experiences of culture, and the meaning that comes from those experiences, says Julian Meyrick.

Rules to shake up city theatre

Photo of three people acting with cameraman
04 Oct 2018

The city theatre in Ghent, Belgium has a new rulebook, aiming to open it up to the independent scene and international touring. Milo Rau introduces his 'Ghent Manifesto'.

Doing the impossible

Photo of exterior of Maritime Museum at night
27 Sep 2018

The success of Hull City of Culture shows what can be achieved in the arts when we come together to achieve a common goal. Positivity is key to making change happen, says Phil Batty.

Are we misunderstanding cultural democracy?

Street art in Bristol
20 Sep 2018

Has Arts Council England got cultural democracy wrong? Steven Hadley and Eleonora Belfiore argue for a more thorough questioning of existing hierarchies.

Disabled people more engaged with arts than ever, figures reveal

A group of people including a wheelchair user in an art gallery
07 Sep 2018

Data from the Government’s Taking Part survey also suggests that 2017/18 saw record levels of arts engagement in England as a whole, though changes to the questionnaire could be skewing the findings.

The craft of captioning artworks

Photo of rows of red bricks
30 Aug 2018

If artists want an authentic response to their work, they need to give viewers a way in, argues Eleanor MacFarlane.

Cultural value research hub backed by 5-year funding

People watching a live concert
10 Aug 2018

The research centre will aim to “pre-empt the needless wheel-spinning, data-churning and combative cross-talking that has characterised much of the past debate” about cultural value.

“Class gap” holds back young people from the arts, finds research

A man standing in front of a camera and microphone
10 Aug 2018

Two reports commissioned by Arts Council England found that cost and lack of confidence are major barriers to youth engagement.

‘Donut’ venues boost community engagement, report finds

The outside of Chapel FM arts centre in Leeds
09 Aug 2018

Three outer city venues around Leeds were found to have generated committed core audiences in areas perceived as barren.

The potential of grassroots culture

People dancing at a Jive Party event in London
19 Jul 2018

Grassroots culture undeniably delivers huge benefits to communities and local economies, but Martin Cox believes it could also resuscitate the funded cultural sector.

Brexit voters more likely to shun the arts, research finds

Image of graph
11 Jul 2018

Arts and museum attendance are higher predictors of Remain voting than arts participation and library usage, both of which are less associated with voting to stay in the European Union.

Data map reveals levels of arts engagement across England

Photo of map
15 Jun 2018

The data will be used by Arts Council England to inform a £24m investment in new areas through its Creative People and Places programme.

Wearing new shoes

Photo of chart and doll on table
24 May 2018

What would you discover if you played the role of a new visitor to your venue? Lisa Baxter explains the value of customer journey mapping.

Tensions between the everyday and the exceptional

Photo of woman playing guitar to a standing audience outdoors
12 Apr 2018

How can we make the arts an everyday experience for everyone? Michael Eades explains why he believes in the power of grassroots arts.


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