Looking for a great deal?

Event listing and display

For the best of both worlds online and in email, book a featured event listing 4 weeks plus a standard website banner / MPU 4 weeks for £750 (Save £65.)

Multiple booking discounts

Discounts available on bookings for multiple display adverts, solus emails, event and recruitment listings: two adverts – 5%; three adverts – 10%; four adverts – 15%, five adverts – 20%. Select the option to pay by invoice when booking and multiple booking discounts will be applied to your invoice.

Buy Out

For maximum profile on all platforms, book a super leaderboard website banner news, features and opinion sections 4 weeks, email mid banner 2 weeks and a solus email £1,800 (Save £350.)

Editorial Partnerships

Have you got insights to offer and want to raise the profile of your work? Editorial partners benefit from discounted advertising. Find out more about becoming an editorial partner here

For all advertising options:

Recruitment advertising
Event and opportunity listings
Website display advertising
Email display and direct mail
Sponsored editorial and editorial partnerships
Discounted packages

We love to hear from you, get in touch today

Editorial Partners